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Canon IJ Status Monitor Screen

The Canon IJ Status Monitor displays the printer status and the printing progress. The printer status is shown by the images, icons, and messages in the status monitor.

figure:Canon IJ Status Monitor

Features of the Canon IJ Status Monitor

The Canon IJ Status Monitor has the following functions:

Onscreen display of printer status
The status monitor displays the printer status in real-time.
You can check the progress of each document to be printed (print job).
Display of error content and correction procedure
The status monitor displays information on any errors that occur on the printer.
You can then immediately check what sort of action to perform.
Ink status display
The status monitor displays FINE cartridge types and estimated ink levels.
When the remaining ink level becomes low, a warning icon and message (low ink level warning) are displayed.

Overview of the Canon IJ Status Monitor

The Canon IJ Status Monitor uses images and messages to display the printer status and the ink status.
During printing, you can check information about the document being printed and the print progress.
If an error occurs, the status monitor displays the error content and instructions on how to correct the error. Follow the message instructions.

Canon IJ Status Monitor shows an icon when a warning or error occurs to the printer.
: There is a warning.
: There has been an operator error.
: There is a notice about ink levels etc.
: There has been an error which requires a service.
FINE cartridges
If a low ink warning or an empty ink cartridge error occurs, the status monitor displays an icon. The status monitor also uses images to display the estimated ink levels of the FINE cartridges.
Click the image to display the Ink Details dialog box showing detailed information such as the remaining ink levels and the names of FINE cartridges that the printer can use.
The colors are calibrated to match the color with the least amount of ink remaining, and then all colors are displayed at the same level.
Document Name
Name of the document being printed.
Owner's name of the document being printed.
Printing Page
Page number of current page and the total page count.
Display Print Queue
The print queue, which controls the current document and documents waiting to be printed.
Cancel Printing
Cancels printing.
Estimated ink levels
Displays icons to report a remaining ink level warning and an ink depletion error.
Click (the disclosure triangle) to display a pictorial representation of the estimated ink level in the FINE cartridge.
Ink Model Number
You can look up the correct FINE cartridge for your printer.
Option Menu
If a printer message appears, select Enable Status Monitor to start the Canon IJ Status Monitor.
Select Enable Status Monitor to use the following commands:
Always Display Current Job
Displays the Canon IJ Status Monitor whenever a document is being printed.
Always Display on Top
Displays the Canon IJ Status Monitor in front of other windows.
Display Warning Automatically
When a Low Ink Warning Occurs
Starts the Canon IJ Status Monitor window automatically and displays it in front of the other windows when a low ink warning occurs.
Start when Windows is Started
Automatically starts the Canon IJ Status Monitor when Windows is started.
Remote UI menu
You are able to open the printer's Remote User Interface.
You are able to check the printer status and run maintenance functions on the printer when connected to and using it through a network.


  • When the printer is being used via USB connection Remote UI will not display.
Printer Information
Allows you check detailed information, such as the printer status, the print progress, and remaining ink levels.
Allows you to run printer maintenance and change printer settings.
Download Security Certificate
Displays the For secure communication window.
This window allows you to download the route certificate, register it to the browser, and disable warning displays.
Help Menu
Select this menu to display Help information for the Canon IJ Status Monitor including version and copyright information.